Glasgow Royal Hospital for Children debuts state-of-the-art equipment, funded by Rays of Sunshine’s Sunshine in Hospitals grant

Little girl sits on hospital bed. She is wearing a hospital gown and pigtails, and cuddling a teddie. On the floor in front of her is a projector with lots of bright coloursRays of Sunshine is delighted to announce the donation of state-of-the-art projector equipment to Glasgow Royal Hospital for Children’s Paediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU), via the Sunshine in Hospitals grant.

This innovative technology includes Nebula capsule projectors and the cutting-edge OmiVista interactive projector, which are both helping to enhance the hospital experience for critically ill children and their families.

The mini capsule projectors are changing the way children in the PICU can access entertainment and engage with their environment. What makes these projectors particularly special is their portability and versatility – they can project on any surface, be it the ceiling, walls, or the table over a child’s bed. This is crucial for children who may be bed-bound or unable to sit up, allowing them to watch familiar videos or messages from family and friends, no matter their position.

In addition to the Nebula capsule projectors, the PICU has also received an OmiVista interactive projector. This system responds to gestures and movements, creating dynamic and interactive images on any surface. The OmiVista comes with an activity bag, filled with items like balls, sticks and bean bags, enabling children to engage in games such as popping bubbles, stepping through water, creating fireworks, and catching raindrops.

One child who has benefitted from this technology is 7-year-old Adeline, who spent time in the PICU following surgery. Adeline wasn’t yet able to leave her bed but could play games projected onto the floor.

Adeline said, “It’s so amazing. I loved it. I’m so happy I can play here now.”

While her mum added: “I can see how the equipment will help with physiotherapy for children on the ward, as I saw how motivated it made Adeline to get moving.”

The introduction of these projectors along with the full-time play team, is helping to mitigate the impact of hospitalisation on young patients. Play therapy helps to reduce anxiety and promotes mental and physical development, even in the most challenging circumstances.

For some children, a stay in the PICU may last only a few hours, but the new environment can be frightening. For others, long stays can hinder physical and mental development. The combination of the Nebula capsule projectors and the OmiVista system offers these children a way to stay engaged, motivated, and connected to friends and family.

Emma McWilliams, Play Team Member at the Royal Hospital for Children, said: “The projectors have been a game changer in the unit, getting the children moving and thinking through the endless activities available and promoting development in a safe way.”

Dan Assor, CEO at Rays of Sunshine, said, “We are delighted the young patients of The Royal Hospital for Children Glasgow are now able to take full advantage of the innovative sensory equipment. This Hospital grant from Rays of Sunshine wouldn’t have been possible without the generosity of our partner Lockton Charitable Association.

“With their help, countless children in hospital will now be able to find comfort through sensory play, brightening their lives when they need it most.”

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