Rays of Sunshine and Funstation treat four families to exclusive VIP day to celebrate the relaunch of Tickets2Wishes

Rays of Sunshine is delighted to have partnered with Funstation for a special VIP Day for four Wish Families from the Milton Keynes area. The day was held in collaboration with Xscape MK, and was to celebrate the relaunch of Funstation’s Tickets2Wishes initiative.

The wish children were treated like a VIP for the day, with Funstation rolling out a real red carpet to welcome John, Eden, Harry, Daisy-May and their families. The guests were invited to play the numerous arcade games Funstation has to offer, like basketball, air hocket, crane machines and the dance-mat, before moving on to adventure golf at Volcano Falls and bowling gifted by Hollywood Bowl.

When asked about her favourite part of the day, Daisy-May said, “Everything! We’ve done some basketball, golf, dance machines, and won prizes. I would definitely come back again!”

Meanwhile John said: “My favourite part of the day was the adventure golf at Volcano Falls, it was lots of fun and I really liked the courses, they were challenging but not too tricky.”

As well to provide families with memories outside of hospitals and medical treatments, the VIP Day was also planned to commemorate the relaunch of Tickets2Wishes. This programme allows visitors to Funstation to donate their unused prize points directly to Rays of Sunshine, and help fund more magical wishes for seriously ill children.

To mark the occasion, Funstation even made a generous £5,000 donation to Rays of Sunshine. The cheque presentation was attended by the new Mayor of Milton Keynes, Councillor Marie Bradburn, and former MP Ben Everitt, as well as local media, and members of the Bacta Trade Association – another of Rays of Sunshine’s longstanding partners.

James Miller, CEO of Funstation, said: “The feedback we’ve received so far has been incredibly positive and heart-warming, particularly from Rays of Sunshine and the wish families. We’ve always been a great supporter of the children’s charity and it was amazing to see families, create beautiful memories together.”

Amy Chambers, Director of Fundraising and Communications at Rays of Sunshine, said: “I’m so grateful to be here today. Funstation has been supporting us for over a decade. Today, we’ve had a VIP day for some of our very special children and their
families. They’ve had the best day ever – lots of food, unlimited arcade games, adventure golf, and other activities. We’ve had so much positive feedback, it’s events like this that means so much to them.

“Living with a very serious illness, it’s important for them to enjoy these experiences. Knowing that they are inclusive and accessible and they’ve have got no worries on the day. Thank you so much to Funstation for making the event happen! And a special thanks to James Miller, owner of Funstation, an incredible supporter and one of our biggest ambassadors.”

Those looking to support Rays of Sunshine via Funstation should visit their local branch and its prize counter for more information.

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