Myles's flag-tastic fun wish
We granted a wish for flag superfan Myles by sending his family to London for a fun family trip.
We granted a wish for flag superfan Myles by sending his family to London for a fun family trip.
Seven-year-old Myles is an extremely happy little boy, but as mum Charlene explains, “he’s had a tough start to his life.”
“We first started noticing his seizures when he was around nine months old, and after years of testing he was diagnosed with neuronal migration disorder. This has resulted in epilepsy, autism and developmental delay,” says Charlene.
It was Myles’ grandma who submitted his wish application in the first instance.
“She did it as a surprise, knowing that we’d all had a tough time as a family,” says Myles’ mum.
Charlene says it didn’t take long for them to figure out what Myles’ wish would focus on. The little boy absolutely loves flags, so the family knew that would need to be a focal point.
“We think Myles’ love of flags is based in sensory enjoyment,” says Charlene. “He’s always loved windmills and really anything that spins, but when Liverpool won the Champions League in 2019 and all of the streets were decked out in flags, they became his favourite thing.”
She adds: “It’s been a few years now, but his love of flags just hasn’t gone away. So, when Rays of Sunshine asked us what Myles’ wish was, we knew it was going to have to incorporate flags somehow. In the end, he opted for a stay in London, where he knew there would be plenty of flags for him to spot.”
Myles’ Wish Granter booked the family travel from Liverpool to London, and they spent time walking flag-spotting around the city.
They even mapped out a route around London for Myles to spot as many flags as he could – with his very own Union Jack in hand. “We also spent a lot of time at Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park during the weekend. Myles loves lights, so he was really in his element,” says Charlene.
One of the highlights of the whole wish experience was a gift that Myles’ Wish Granter had made ahead of time – his very own flag! The flag was designed by Rays of Sunshine and featured lots of graphics to help Myles remember his big wish. “He was absolutely smitten with it, and it helps Myles reminisce about the wish by hanging it on our washing line at home to watch it flutter in the breeze,” says Charlene.
Even now, Myles still talks about his wish. “Because we video everything for him to look back on, Myles has been able to revisit his wish over and over again. I find him watching videos of him in London, on the tour bus or on a ride at Winter Wonderland on his iPad pretty much every night. They really are such treasured memories for him.”
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