<Charity of the Year>
Nominate us as a charity for a short period of time to fundraise exclusively for. This is often done via a pitch process and a staff vote. The money is normally raised via employee fundraising within the organisation often through bake sales, quizzes, challenge events.
We were honoured to be named Lockton’s Charity of the Year for 2022-2023. In this time, Lockton’s Charitable Trust has donated over £260,000.
Highlights of our partnership
Lockton took part in many fundraising efforts raising lots of money for Rays of Sunshine.

Lockton’s team during the dragon boat race
The Lockton senior leadership team took part in a dragon boat race which raised £50,000. Lockton’s staff raised over £40,000 with challenge events including two London marathons, Ride London and many other team and individual challenges. Another £30,000 was raised with other fundraising events including poker nights, golf days, bake sales and others.
Lockton also took part in worthwhile volunteering during their partnership
Lockton staff volunteered to help wrap Christmas presents, pack teddy bears for National Teddy Bear Day and help out at our Wish Community events.
Lockton sponsored the Sunshine in Hospitals Grant for 2022
Lockton donated £20,000 to fund an innovative project that will support seriously ill young people in UK hospitals, hospices, or other healthcare settings. This year’s winner was the Royal Hospital for Children Glasgow, who have used the funding for mobile sensory equipment.
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